Founded in 2006, we are committed to developing broadly accessible, artistic, emotional and enriching experiences, including award-winning titles flOw, Flower and Journey. Our work has exhibited in galleries and exhibitions across the globe, including the induction into Smithsonian’s permanent collection. Our hope is to expand the range of emotional experiences possible in video games, so that it can be enjoyed and loved by people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

Our studio fosters a unique approach through experimentation, iteration, collaboration and perfection to create entertainment experiences never played before in the industry. We take pride in making games that are intuitive and enjoyed by everyone.

Our Team
We are artists, designers, engineers, musicians, creators, all unified to make an impact and positive change with our games. Our team is made up of a mix of diverse talent, cultures, leadership and experience.
Robert Aron
Lead Full Stack Engineer, Data Applications
Websites, websockets, and witchcraft.
Chris Bishop
Pursuing moving images that move people.
Atlas Chen
Design Manager
Has made (and broken) games in the pursuit of spirituality since childhood, when not carrying the world on his shoulders.
Jenova Chen
President & Creative Director
Video game evangelist, digital monk, contemplates the philosophy of life while eating fried chicken.
Ye-ling Chen
Finance Director
Loves dogs and dopamine decor. Craftholic.
Christine Chua
Head of Talent Acquisition
Builder of teams. Mentor. Trail runner and a super fan of F1 racing.
Tom Craven
Test Manager
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
Jeffrey Exterkate
Principal Engineer
Optimization guru and cross platform specialist, always on the lookout to learn something new. Powered by cans of diet coke.
Dylan Faust
UI Lead
Drew Forbes
Team Lead, Data Platform
Look Mom, I'm on the internet!
Stephanie Fuller
Head of Creative Marketing, Brand and Communications
Creative strategist with a passion for socializing - online and off.
Don Heim
IT Manager
In loving memory of Don, who will always be a part of our studio
Kyle Holdwick
Gameplay Engineer
An energetic and driven soul, appreciative of all the things around him, and a smile that will brighten any day.
John Hughes
Multiplayer Engineer
Masterfully thoughtful. Pauses in thought to ensure that whatever he contributes has been thoroughly considered.
Cecil Kim
Art Director
Making games since PlayStation 1 and still hungry to make beautiful games that touch everyone’s heart.
Peter Lee
Chief Information Officer
Creating safe online spaces for everyone
Mike Lester
Senior Engineer and Manager
When he isn’t behind a desk passionately programming, he lives his second life paragliding high above the mountains and treetops.
Daniel Lindeman
Team Lead, Online Engine
A Michigander who has never met a stranger. I like ancient things, telling stories, and building systems that connect people together.
Donovan Mandap
Senior Generalist Engineer
Developer ninja. Passionate about creating, building, and making. Just do it!
Stephanie Marroquin
Lead Producer
¡Viajar es vivir! To travel is to live!
Sam McGrath
Chief Technology Officer
Loves spending time with his son, playing snooker, and eating unusually large quantities of biryani. Occasionally writes a game engine or two.
Ritsu Mizutani
Lead Audio Designer
His passion is to make intricate sound waves that jogs old memories and stirs up deep emotions.
Elena Nikora
Director of Production
Keep calm everyone, we are going live!
Tim Nixon
Director of Online Experience
Loves to build communities that players love to be a part of. If he’s not at his desk he’s probably at a music festival.
Bess Serrano
Senior Human Resource Manager
Likes boba. And cats. And dad jokes.
Trevor Stringer
Senior Artist
Likes to make cool stuff and is a wannabe triathlete. Occasionally ventures into vegan territory but always returns with a chicken in hand.
Yui Tanabe
Art Manager
Likes to draw.
Arthur Tucker
Senior Project Manager
Cosmopoietic wave-riding knowledge seeker.
Robert Wing
Head of Community
Cat dad and manga enthusiast.
SJ (Shijie) Xue
Head of Corporate Development
Head of Growth Strategy
Do not go gentle into that good night.