Comments on: Video Game, Art and Digital Medium Fri, 04 Aug 2017 15:37:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sem Deronnette Sun, 29 Jun 2008 15:14:28 +0000 http://localhost/thatgameco/dev/wordpress/?p=80#comment-1409 Art is an escape from reality. Sometimes what we call fantasy in reality is escape that allows us to water down real life experiences or amplifiy what is or seems boring in our daily lives. Interactive media displays emotion, escape, and imaginations. But it doesn’t truly, if not, at all convey emotion because not every person who plays videogames will relate to the world or message the designer is trying to convey. Thats why so much is being invested into gaming from implementing a level of interaction (human emotions/interaction thru actors and actresses, in game character relations, common attachments, new discoveries) that we all have when we watch a specific movie. Human interaction is not defined by what an interactive media conveys but how to allow the player to understand what it is conveying to the individual as well as to a mass audience.

By: Crunchman Wed, 14 May 2008 18:08:43 +0000 http://localhost/thatgameco/dev/wordpress/?p=80#comment-1408 That was an interesting interview, Jenova. As always, I enjoy reading your opinions. I recently played "Passage" upon your mentioning of it in another interview, and it has really provoked a lot of thought. I feel like I should write some of it down. 😛
